Peer Mentor Handbook 2019-2020
This PDF is a resource for mentors on supportive listening, identity, crisis response, and more.
File: Peer-Mentor-Handbook-19-20.pdfThis PDF is a resource for mentors on supportive listening, identity, crisis response, and more.
File: Peer-Mentor-Handbook-19-20.pdfQUELP is a thirteen-week spring course for undergraduate and graduate students interested in exploring race, dis/ability, class, and other social dynamics through an LGBTQ+ lens and developing leadership skills that will help you serve your communities. Check out this document for syllabus information!
File: QUELP-2019-Syllabus.pdfFind the QUELP 2018 Reading List here:
A resource guide for QTPOC.
File: QPOC-Crossroads-Resource-Guide.pdfHistory of the LGBTCC.
File: LGBTCC-History.pdfVolunteers are trained with this packet as a guide for operating the LGBTCC.
File: VolunteerOrientationPacket.pdfThis Google Drive folder has folders by topic as resources for mentors and support people.
This PDF is a resource for mentors on supportive listening, identity, crisis response, and more.
File: Peer-Mentor-Handbook-18-19.pdfEmail a facilitator or the LGBTCC for the course reader for the 2017 session of QUELP.
This syllabus shows the readings, schedule, and policies for QUELP 2017.
File: QUELP2017Syllabus.pdf