Student Orgs

The student orgs below are all focused on LGBTQ+ community, connection, and/or larger social justice topics. They are listed in alphabetical order. Feel free to reach out to the organizations directly and join their meetings as described! Let GSCC staff know if you have questions or want help getting connected to any group. Don’t miss the Discussion Groups page for groups that are not student orgs but are based in campus offices, like for students of faith and fluid sexualities.

Check out the event planning section below on accessible event planning, advertising, and funding sources for your events!

Qouncil is the collective of LGBTQ+ student organizations and LGBTQ+ serving orgs/entities at UW-Madison. Our goal: increase communication, collaboration, and capacity among and across member orgs to engage LGBTQ+ students and their communities.

Qouncil has 19+ affiliated student orgs! Contact us to join. We meet on Fridays once a month to break bread, discuss funding proposals and upcoming events, and get to know one another.

Are you in a student org that’s not listed here but should be? Contact us and we’ll get you set up on the website and in Qouncil! Have the following items ready: an org description, contact information, meeting information, and any other links or social media for the org.

Find Warren and Whitney’s contact info below or reach out to the GSCC general email at

Badger Pride

Affinity Group for LGBTQ+ identifying student-athletes to build community and support each other. We meet three times a semester and attendance is confidential.

Interested student-athletes should refer to SAESO’s Affinity Group information for meeting times and locations.

Multicultural Club Q

We are here to serve as individuals that motivate and learn from one another through shared experiences and our desire to learn about the history of the LGTBQIA+ community we identify with.  The purpose of the club is to create a safe space for BIPOC students to practice their own cultural identity as well as find community with those who have similar gender and sexuality identities.

Out for Business

Out for Business (O4B), a student organization serving Wisconsin MBA students builds community among its lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender members and their allies. The club hosts social events for Wisconsin School of Business students, recruits prospective LGBTQ+ students, establishes ties with corporate LGBT employee groups, and participates in national conferences. Out for Business also raises awareness among students, faculty, and staff of the issues facing LGBTQ+ professionals.



We are PAVE (Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment), a student organization on the UW-Madison campus working towards ending gender-based and intimate-partner violence. We do this through educational workshops about topics such as bystander intervention, consent, and supporting survivors. In addition, we offer volunteer opportunities, events for awareness months, and collaborations with other student organizations and community organizations.

Workshop options
VLP Interest Form
General Volunteer Interest Form
PEP Interest Form

PRIDE in Healthcare

Our goal is to improve the conditions of healthcare for LGBTQ+ people by increasing the quality and quantity of LGBTQ+ content in medical education; raising awareness of LGBTQ+ health disparities and their causes; cooperating with professional and community members to eliminate these disparities; and to provide a social forum for LGBTQ+ and allied students and professionals in the health sciences. Specifically, this will be accomplished by advocating for LGBTQ+ conscious curriculum, organizing panel discussions that explore LGBTQ+ health disparities, and partnering with LGBTQ+ organizations to foster a sense of community. This organization is open to students in any of the healthcare professions (ex: medicine, pharmacy, nursing, PA, PT, OT, etc)


The Pride Society

The Pride Society is an LGBTQ+ social organization that focuses on providing space for LGBTQ+ students and their allies. We host study parties, game nights, and many other fun social events for anyone who is interested. We also lend our support to various student activist groups on campus. Additionally, we are most well known for our annual Pride Prom, which prides itself on being a substance-free late-night dance that ends with drag performances! TPS also includes a variety of members, ranging from freshmen to seniors, as well as grad students and transfer students. Anyone is welcome at our events, no matter how they identify.

Instagram: @thepridesociety_uw


WI School of Biz Undergrad Affinity Group

Queer in Business is a student organization at the University of Wisconsin- Madison that focuses on creating a safe place for students of the LGBTQ+ community to thrive. Allies and non-business students are welcome as well.;

QBiz on Facebook


QGrads is a space for queer/LGBTQIA+ graduate students and queer-adjacent people to socialize, commiserate about being queer and graduate students, and connect queer graduate students to the greater queer community of Madison.

We are primarily a social group that meets every other week on Friday at 6PM during the semester, at varying locations. We announce the meeting time and location each week through our mailing list.

Queer & Trans Engineers (QTE)

Queer and Trans Engineers is a University of Wisconsin-Madison based student organization that builds community and fosters individual and professional growth for all LGBTQIA+* identifying students in, considering joining, or with strong ties to the College of Engineering.

QTE WIN page
instagram: @qtesmadison

Queer & Trans People of Color (QTPOC)

Queer & Trans People of Color (QTPOC) is an inclusive org made by and intended for queer and trans BIPOC students at UW-Madison!
instagram: @qtpoc_uw

Sex Out Loud

Sex Out Loud’s mission is to promote healthy sexuality through sex-positive education and activism and empower all students in their choices to explore their sexuality.

We offer free safer sex supplies; access to lots of other sexual health resources in the community; educational programs; campus-wide events and activities promoting safer sex, sex positivity, and exploration; a stocked library; and a staff willing and open to discuss sexual themes, topics, and questions. (Ky/Chair)
Phone Number: 608-890-2138
Sex Out Loud on Facebook
Sex Out Loud website


iQueery fosters community and solidarity for LGBTQIA+ students, professionals, and patrons in the world of libraries and beyond. We seek to equip our community to work in diverse library settings with diverse patron bases through education, advocacy work, volunteering, networking, and community building. We foster a strong sense of community, advocate for LGBTQIA+ librarians and patrons, and support the safety and well-being of queer people at the iSchool. All students who are interested in service to LGBTQIA+ patrons are welcome.
Email listserv

Event planning


Please make venue accessibility clear in event descriptions and prioritize taking a variety of needs into account in your programming.

For in-depth information on planning an accessible event, see the Accessible Event Planning Guide.


Are you hosting an event that should go on our calendar and in our newsletter? Send us the following and we’ll make it happen:

  • time, date, and location
  • contact information
  • accessibility information
  • short blurb
  • image or photo


Qouncil has funding for student orgs! For additional funds, UW-Madison has several grant opportunities for student organizations. Please see the Campus Funding Sources page for details on Associated Students of Madison grants, other Chancellor’s Fund grants, and additional funding sources.

Campus Funding Sources

Staff liaisons

Warren Scherer

Position title: Assistant Dean & Director


Whitney Anderson

Position title: Program Coordinator
